Seniors Services
BCCS supports seniors in the community through:
Elder Abuse Awareness
Senior Empowerment
Cultural Integration
Social Inclusion
Weekly Meet and Greet Groups
Peer Support and Mentor Services
Seniors English Conversation Circle
Computer Lessons for Seniors
Seniors Programs
BCCS Seniors Programs: Past and Present
Gather to Dance Together - New Horizons for Seniors
Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada
Honor our Elders: STOP Abuse - New Horizons for Seniors
Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada
STOP Elder Abuse, Honor our Elders - Seniors Community Grant Program
Funded by Ontario Seniors Secretariat
Let's Get Seniors Connected - New Horizons for Seniors
Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada
Moving Seniors to Digital Era through Inter generational Link - New Horizons Program
Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada
Integrating South Asian Seniors in Canadian Society and Culture - New Horizons for Seniors
Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada
Techsavvy Seniors through Inter-generational Linkage - Seniors Community Grant Program
Funded by Ontario Seniors Secretariat
Empowering Seniors for Canada Day Celebration 2017 - Seniors Community Grant Program
Funded by Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration